This holiday is waited for by both children and adults. The obligatory ritual of the festivity is pouring water over all passers-by.
Kupala is an ancient celebration related to the summer solstice after which the Slavs started haymaking, gathering linden blossom and first mushrooms. Initially the day was called Kres, but later a pagan tradition merged with the Christianity. The name “Ivan Kupala” was created by a chronicler from Gustynsky cloister of the Chernigov region. Describing the “diabolic games” of the pagans, he came to a conclusion that Ivan Kupala was a name of a pagan god. But in fact it was the name of the holiday itself. On this day the Slavs carried out ritual ablutions in banyas, rivers and lakes as a symbol of entering the new calendar cycle. One of the most ancient names of the holiday was Cleanly Day. The New Testament legend about John the Baptist intervened with the rite and the ablution was used for the baptism sacrament. The Ivan Day (Ivan the Kind, Ivan Kupala, Ivan the Herbalist) appeared and has been celebrated on 7th July.
Novosibirsk is almost the only city in Russia having the tradition of pouring water over people in the streets.
Venue: Throughout Novosibirsk
Event cost: Free